
January most probably is the coldest and darkest and greyest and sternest and very much the most undelightful month in the year. So what else is there left to do but to make January-life sparkle with a little bit of Lumières!

Pack up your black turtleneck, some chocolate and a bottle of Champagne and hurry along to catch the train that rushes through the bare wintry flatlands while night dawns in the afternoon. When les Poissonchats arrive, it’s pitch dark already, the perfect stage to have a glimpse at the enlightened Notre Dame and the glittering and shining lights of Paris from Tour Eiffel:

They start the next day with croissant and petit-café to get energised for long walks through the streets:

With a visit to the cemetery, where, once in a while, they might spot one or the other immortal, they conclude their urban escape:

Visit to some immortals

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